Privacy Policy

Hmlet Japan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and will endeavor to protect personal information based on the "Mitsubishi Estate Group Policy for Personal Information Protection".

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Customer's personal information (name, address, date of birth, place of employment, annual income, telephone number, email address, etc.) will be used for the following purposes and shall not be used for any other purpose.

  1. Contact for the purpose of confirming the reservation details of a viewing
  2. Sales activities (Dms, shipping of pamphlets, etc., solicitation by SNS, telephone, e-mail, etc.) of our business (real estate leasing business) and implementation of various procedures related to each transaction
  3. Activities such as customer trend analysis or survey analysis such as product development and requesting questionnaires
  4. For sending publications such as membership organizations, print media, blog article creation cooperation, questionnaire request
  5. For marketing activities to improve operations and planning in our business
  6. For the implementation of after-sales service for rental properties in our business, product planning and improvement of standard specifications
  7. Contact to understand and improve the usage status of partner facilities, products and services, and when customers use those services
  8. Invitation to an event for residents sponsored and co-sponsored by our company
  9. Contact regarding recruitment and selection process, etc.
  10. For identity verification, etc. based on the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds
  11. In case it becomes necessary to contact the customer for any other reason

The provision of various information and services will be canceled at the request of the customer.

Provision or Disclosure of Personal Data to a Third Party

Customer's personal data may be provided or disclosed in writing, electronic data, mail, telephone, e-mail, etc. in the following cases.

  1. When disclosing to a company outsourced by the Company in order to provide the service requested by the customer
  2. With the consent of the customer
  3. When requested by a judiciary or an administrative agency by law, etc.
  4. When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  5. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  6. When necessary to cooperate with national agencies, local governments or their designated agents in the exercise of activities established by laws and regulations, and where obtaining the consent of the individual may hinder said exercise of activities

Consignment of Handling of Personal Information

The customer's personal information provided is as described in #1 above. In principle, we may outsource the handling to a business consignee who has concluded a non-disclosure agreement for the purpose of using the personal information described.

Security Control Measures

When it handles personal information in a foreign country, the Company regularly collects information on and acquires knowledge of information on the personal information protection systems of the country and takes security control measures accordingly.

Social Media Policy

We manage various social media accounts in accordance with the "Mitsubishi Estate Group Social Media Policy".

Use of SSL

This website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) when providing personal information for things such as "various inquiries, applications for viewings", and interception of personal information is prevented by encrypting the data transmitted on the Internet.

Compliance of Governing Law and Jurisdiction

We will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to the personal information we hold, and will review and improve the content of this privacy policy as appropriate.

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the following.
Hmlet Japan Co., Ltd. CEO: Kenichi Sasaki
"Personal Information Inquiry Desk"
2-5-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005