Terms and conditions


Copyright and Trademarks

The copyright and other rights of the content (information, materials, images, logos, etc.) on this website belong to us or authorized parties who have authorization from us to use it. You may not copy, divert, falsify or distribute these without permission beyond the legally permissible range.
The trademarks used on this website belong to us or authorized parties who have authorization from us to use them. These cannot be used without permission.


Although we take great care in posting information on this website, we do not guarantee its validity or accuracy. We are not responsible for any damages caused by using this website regardless of how this site is used. Please note that the Company may change the contents of this website, or suspend or discontinue its operation without prior notice. Regardless of the reason, the Company is not liable for any damages caused by changes in the contents of this website, interruption or suspension of operation.
It is not possible to link to this website without our permission. We are not responsible for any damages caused by linking to this website without our permission. Sites other than this website (hereinafter referred to as "Linked Site") linked from this website are managed and operated under the responsibility of the operator of each Linked Site. Please follow the site policy of each Linked Site when using them. In addition, we do not guarantee the contents of the Linked Site and do not take any responsibility for any damages caused by its use.

Recommended Operating Systems and Browsers

For security and the best experience of our website, the following browser versions are recommended.

[For PCs] ■Windows 8.1 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 11 or higher
  • Firefox latest version
  • The latest version of Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge latest version
  • Internet Explorer 11 or higher
■Macintosh 10.13 (High Sierra), 10.14 (Mojave), 10.15 (Catalina) and higher
  • Safari latest version
  • The latest version of Google Chrome
  • Firefox latest version
[Browser Settings]
  • JavaScript: ON
  • Cookie: ON
[For Smartphones] ■iOS 12 and higher
  • Mobile safari 12 or higher
■android 7.0 and higher
  • Google chrome latest version
  • Latest version of standard browser
[Use of JavaScript] This homepage has some content that uses JavaScript. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, it may not function properly or may not be displayed correctly. To use all the contents properly, we recommend that you enable JavaScript in your browser settings.

Use of Cookies

In order for customers to use this website more conveniently, this website uses "cookies" that collect browsing history in order to provide services to customers, analyze users and place advertisements on the web.
A "cookie" is a text file that identifies your computer on a website, and a serial number sent by the web server and is recorded on the customer's computer, but it does not record personal information. In addition, in order to provide more customized services, we may refer to the browsing history collected through "cookies" in relation to the personal information provided by the customer.
You can set your browser settings to refuse to accept "cookies". You can still use this website even if you refuse to accept "cookies", but some functions may not be available.

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the following.
Hmlet Japan Co., Ltd.
"Personal Information Inquiry Desk"
2-5-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005